Hi @ll, the batch script WINRM.CMD, which contains just the single line @cscript //nologo "%~dpn0.vbs" %* allows a binary planting or squatting attack: WINRM.CMD executes a rogue CSCRIPT.COM, CSCRIPT.EXE, CSCRIPT.BAT, CSCRIPT.CMD etc. (see environment variable PATHEXT) from the current working directory. Proof of concept: 1. Start CMD.EXE 2. CHDIR /D "" (for example "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop", "%USERPROFILE%\Downloads", "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%" or "%TEMP%") 3. COPY "" .\CSCRIPT.COM 4. WINRM /? -> .\CSCRIPT.COM is run! WIMRM.CMD is installed as part of the (optional) "Windows Remote Management" (see ), available for Windows XP and 2003 with the hotfixes KB936059 and KB968929, and included in all later versions of Windows. "Windows Remote Management" implements the DMTF's Web Services for Management alias WS-Management alias WS-MAN. Trivial fix: change "@cscript " in %SystemRoot%\System32\WINRM.CMD to "@%SystemRoot%\System32\CSCript.exe " JFTR: aint enough! ALL executables fed to interfaces which evaluate PATH, i.e. CreateProcess(), ShellExecute(), CMD.EXE, ... MUST be specified with their fully qualified pathname. regards Stefan Kanthak