Hi @ll, since Microsoft introduced the security theatre named "user account control" with Windows Vista users cant start (another instance of) the Windows Explorer with elevated rights any more: the "Run as administrator" and the "Run as different user" context menu entries only start another instance of Windows Explorer with but the credentials of the logged on (interactive) user. No, neither starting Windows Explorer per "Explorer.Exe /Separate" nor setting the following registry entries overcomes this limitation: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer] "DesktopProcess"=dword:01 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced] "SeparateProcess"=dword:01 Microsoft is well aware of this, but still doesnt remove or disable these dysfunctional context menu entries for Explorer.exe, although their own user experience interface guidelines request that (context) menu entries which are not applicable must not be shown or have to be disabled! See : | Disable menu items that don't apply to the current context ... | Remove rather than disable context menu items that don't | apply to the current context. or If you want to get rid of "Run as administrator" and "Run as different user" for Explorer.exe to save yourself, your users and your support/helpdesk from confusion or frustration add the following registry entries: [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\Shell\RunAs] "AppliesTo"="System.FileName:<>Explorer.Exe" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\Shell\RunAsUser] "AppliesTo"="System.FileName:<>Explorer.Exe" See and to understand how and why this registry entry works. JFTR: the context menu entry "Run as administrator" doesnt work at all in standard user accounts when UAC is set to "never elevate". This is another clear violation of Microsofts own UX guidelines! stay tuned Stefan Kanthak PS: the script adds this and several other missing registry entries which enable "Run as administrator" and "Run as different user" for quite some file types.